29 Jul 2012

your filofax week #15

This week's Filofax week is from Imy at Imy's World (if you haven't ever visited her blog, I suggest you click through to it now! It's one of the blogs I subscribe to and read - some posts over and over - and she does amazing videos too!). Also, she is lovely, so I'm really happy to be featuring her Filofax this week!

Here is what she had to say:

Thank you Paperlovestory for letting me feature on your blog, it is so beautiful and cute, I feel so privileged to have been given the opportunity to do this! 
I have just changed from pocket, to personal to compact all within the space of 2 weeks and 4 Filofaxes!!! 
I am in the Regency Compact in brown!! I love it!!! 
But at the moment I am doing a "calling of the dog" for my diary, which is something Plannerisms came up with! It's when you use the diaries you are considering choosing for a week or more and keep them all updated but gradually whittle them down to the perfect one you want to use! 
That's why I have two formats!!!
The little hearts are to count down the days until icclewu comes down to stay!!! Yay! Very excited!! 

I can assure you all that the pleasure is all mine! You'll see why I say this when you see the lovely pictures.

Also, she has also done a video on this Filofax and its contents. I recommend you watch it (after all, her video on her black Amazona was the reason as to why I found myself wanting one too)!

Isn't her writing so cute? And those tabs at the top (a post on that is coming up as I, too, bought some of them!)...! I'm totally loving how filled each day is but yet, how organised it is! And the side and top tabs add another level of organisation. I'm so happy that she loves her Regency as much as she does :) It feels awesome to have found 'the one' when it comes to Filofax organisers, as I have felt with my Osterley.

What do you guys think? 


  1. Such a nice way to organize your days! Where are the hearts from? I'd love a pack of those for my countdowns! :)

  2. They are from paperchase :) x

    1. Aww :( Paperchase doesn't ship to my country :/ I'll have to find something similar elsewhere. But thanks a lot :)

    2. :( awww sorry what country are you from? x
