12 Oct 2012

osterley filofax set up part 1!

As most of you Filofax owners will probably be used to; it's hard to 'sit still' with regards to the set up. This is obviously inevitable when changes occur in life and I have had quite a few massive ones: graduating from university, embarking on the next stage of my life (with no clue where I am headed) and with a determination to keep up this blogging malarky!

With this Filofax used in tandem with my Slimline, this is my 'stay at home' Filofax and so has quite a lot in it!

So again, to begin, a picture of my Osterley plum. Honestly, it is beautiful... and I haven't wanted to move to another style whilst using this one. The only problem I had with it were that the rings were just too big.

Anyway, on the inside: note pages that I write shopping lists, etc. on. And a leaflet for Laduree macarons as it cheers me up every time I see it (imagining the taste of those meringue-texture-like delights). Clearly, my Filofax is in need of a clean (and I have since done that) as you can see by the dust.

Next, a clear plastic pouch for vouchers. I get these from doing surveys and the like and I also keep a tally as to what I have. I've saved up quite a lot over the past year or so!

Next, my reference and project pages. Firstly: gluten intolerance page and a packing list on the left (if I ever decide to go away on the whim for the weekend!).

 The remnants of a stationery list on the left (inspired by one of Imy's World's videos!) and a project list on the right.

A list of websites I like/need to use in the near future, 2012 goals (some of which are quite fickle! Gain size 8 body it appears was already achieved as soon as 2012 struck as I already was a UK size 8 without even realising this - doh!) and a 30 for 30 remix challenge all ready to be undertaken.

Bog standard Thriving on Less on the left and a Work Outs page on the right. I typed it up cos I got sick of seeing my own handwriting everywhere!

My new bucket list on the left and my clothing size guide on the right. I got the sizes from What Size Am I? and I found it good. I used the UK clothing sizes for my chart but you can change it to US sizes if you happen to reside across the pond.

Money matters on the left (again typed) with a student loans repayment information table. Then a list of expenses I would have to pay in the future and also my aims. Then come a few sheets of plain cotton cream paper.

After that is my jobs and career section which I have detailed here...

And to conclude this first part (of a trilogy!), my resolutions page.

Stay tuned for parts II and III where there will be, inevitably, more photos (which was the original reason for the splitting of the set up in the first place!).


  1. This has seriously inspired me to go through my current setup and change everything again!

    Can't wait for parts 2 & 3!

    1. Hehe, they are coming in the next week and a half :) don't want to bombard everyone with loads of pictures in one go x

  2. Wow, I love it! I adore your handwriting.

  3. Totally beautiful! So inspiring!
    Can't wait to see the rest :D

    1. Thank you! Can't wait for the other two parts to go live :) x

  4. Absolutely beautiful, very inspiring post :)

  5. Thank you for inspiring me to keep lists :) I'm gonna start making them.

  6. love this! Am going to have to try your "bottom buster" exercise....
