15 Nov 2011

life update :-)

So, I've been very, very bad on the blogging front lately. Anyway, here is an update with what has been going on.

1) I have been using my Filofax a lot more so far this term as deadlines have been tight and my social calendar has swelled.

2) I have barely spent any money on things that aren't necessities this term! Apart from my bag, the only things I have bought are food and household items.

3) I have made many new friends since commencing my role as a 'hall senior' in a university hall of residence, including other hall seniors from other subjects and as a result, I have met someone who has become more than a friend. He is lovely but he has taken up a lot of my time of late!

4) My family are having a few problems at the moment but I'm trying not to think about it and my friends are trying their hardest to cheer me up.

Overall, it's been a bittersweet month for me with impending deadlines and personal life happiness and sadness. However, I'm hoping to be a better blogger in the next few weeks :-)


  1. Awwww hun im sorry to hear about your sadness, but happy to hear that there is a man in your life :-)

    Sending you huge hugs (which should arrive on Saturday) xxx

  2. Even thought the month has been bittersweet for you, I'm glad you at least have a sweet part. I wish you the best of luck that things get better for you soon :)

  3. Hope things will turn out for the better :) Sending you smiles and hugs from Canada!
