Thank you, Becca, for writing this post and showing us your travel journal :) I turned green with envy when I saw how creative it was and I have a feeling some of you readers might too!
Without further ado, here it is...
I really wanted to make sure I had the perfect travel journal for my trip, and I couldn't find anything *quite* right, so I ended up customising my uncle's (unused) 1978 journal (pictured below, with the pen on top of it). I really loved the vintage feel of it, particularly the closely packed lines (I have v small handwriting). I split it into a scheduler, a diary/journal, and general notes.

Inside it I customised it a couple of ways, using homemade washi tape and watercolour. This can be seen in the next picture, which is the 'overall schedule' but basically turned out to be an aide memoir of what we did when. I got the dates a bit messed up!

Next is a journal extract from Las Vegas. Most of the journal part is pretty text heavy but I broke it up a bit with some cute Korean stickers.

In the following picture is the journal log I designed on Photoshop to keep a track of the road trip, modelled after a flying log (I'm a big airsports fan). I've shown a blank one because my maths is too embarrassing on the bit we filled out...I stuck it in using the same technique as below.

The next picture shows the 'notes' part of the journal. I found the 1978 dates too distracting for the notes part, so using some homemade tape (an A4-size label and some internet-sourced vintage graphics) I got rid of them.

Finally, the photo below shows the envelope I made to put over the expense account bit, to keep little bits and pieces safe for the scrapbook (airplane tickets, etc).

I've also just got into Scrapbooking this summer, which can be seen below. It's pink, flowery and Cath Kidston, with brown paper interior and I'm using it for my whole summer. There's a small photo of the American Trip (called 'Route 666' because I think I'm funny) title page as well just for kicks. Stickers mostly from Cavallini.

There are some photo sets from the trip here if you're interested:
San Francisco:
Santa Barbara, California:
Death Valley:
Personally, I loved this sneak peek into Becca's travel journal. Her handwriting is so pretty and she is clearly very creative! All of this makes me want to keep a travel journal like this so that in years to come, I can look at it and take pleasure in re-reading what I got up to in the summer of 2012.
Thanks, once again, to Becca for allowing us to take a peek into her journal! It's a pleasure to share this with you all as this is scrapbooking/journaling at its finest.