Here is a picture of my revision schedule from my summer exams. I will explain everything and how I used this to my advantage! The inserts are currently not in my filofax due to the fact I changed my inserts.

As you can see, there is a lot of writing. I will first explain the writing itself!
There are initials of my modules written down as shown: MB, MCB and PE. I was quite lucky in that I only had three exams (but they were spread out over three consecutive days! One each days! It's a miracle I passed considering how much I had to learn...) as other people I knew had as much as six or seven.
I have smudged out the names of my lecturers for their privacy and also mine ;) But as you can see, alongside each module, I would have written down a few lecturer's names or maybe a topic's name (for example, 'Recombination' on Thursday the 10th). This is an indication of what I was planning to revise on those days. I would cross each name out once I'd revised it to my satisfaction. If I failed to finish revising the stuff that day, I would rewrite the module or lecturer's name again but for a later date.
This is not a full proof method as I actually had some gaps in the things I revised (I only found this out during the exams themselves...revision fail!) so I'm actually looking for a new way to revise, but still using my filo as I feel it keeps me organised.
Any suggestions?