
The Body Shop Japanese Cherry Blossom Body Butter - it smells divine and makes my skin so soft, especially if I apply it after I've had a shower!

Cherry Carmex lip balm - I've been using Carmex for years and my little pot only ran out recently so I opted to try the cherry one for a change and it turns out that I prefer it to the original! Carmex moisturises my lips but now, the cherry flavour makes me want to lick my lips all the time - something I've had to refrain myself from doing countless of times.

No7 Shine Free Primer - honestly the best primer I have used. It's over £20 but if you buy it on the 3 for 2 deals or whatever No7 usually has going on, it's not too bad. I stock up when they have these offers as they're sealed so keeping them for a few months doesn't matter too much.
Other heroes: tea tree oil (for those annoying little pimples and spots that come up after a night of bingeing on chocolate and sweets), Aussie shampoo (the only shampoo to actually keep my hair shiny and healthy) and Garnier B.B. cream (though I haven't tried any Korean brands but this one cuts the mustard just fine!).
Next, fashion.

My Ugg Australia earmuffs - the wind is chilly and the temperatures are dropping and what better way to look stylish than a pair of earmuffs! Hats don't suit me so these earmuffs do fine for me. (As you can see, mine are still in the box! I got them on sale and I can't stop wearing them already!)
A pair of riding boots - I got mine from the French Connection sale last year for £30! Such a bargain as they are 100% real leather and have lasted me so many wears since.
A thick wool coat - mine is from Reiss and the material is, I swear, the thickest I have ever seen in a winter coat EVER. (Well, for a wool coat anyway!)
Leggings - I'm more of a dresses and skirts kinda girl than a jeans and a casual tee one so leggings for me, are perfect. For dresses or skirts that are too short - a pair of leggings makes them acceptable and in the winter when tights are too thin an option to even contemplate, I opt for these bad boys.

My Filofax - well, what else? Since reverting back to my Filofax, I have had no regrets. It's honestly the best thing in my bag - it's pink and girly, crammed to death with silly scribblings but also holds my diary - something which is invaluable for planning and organisation for social, work and sport life.
Muji pens - I think I've mentioned these before on here but the 0.5mm gel pens are literally the saviour of my life. I've been using these for five years now and I wouldn't dream of switching. Although I do use other pens for other less important stuff, I opt for these when writing out lecture notes, writing in my Filofax or writing up information gained from reading academic papers and the like.
So, this is my review of 2011... my New Year's Resolution for 2012 is....not to have one! I'm going to try and be more relaxed in planning things by planning less (but still planning some things of course) and learn to be a bit more spontaneous - something my boyfriend is very good at as he's the complete opposite of me in this respect (he doesn't even own a diary.....!). Hope you all have had a very, very merry Christmas (with Santa bringing you what you wanted) and hope you all have an excellent New Year too!
Ohh, the ear muffs look truly amazing! <3
Lost in the Haze: Fashion Blog