I decorated the blank spaces this week - and I think this is why I've had the dilemma of running out of space all too often. However, I do write down all of my to-dos for each day; and this alone, takes up a lot of space. This is why I think I need to upgrade to a two-days-per-page diary insert. I have opted to print out the ones made by Ray and Steve to trial for a few weeks and then go from there.
Or maybe if I cut out all the frills and became less obsessed with having a decorated planner, I might have more space? But then, why would I want to do that ;)
How was your week? After Christmas, New Year's is the next thing to celebrate and prepare for; so onwards and upwards as we embrace the dawning of a new year :-)
I love "8 out of 10 Cats" and the "Big Fat Quiz of the Year". If I lived in the UK, I'd probably have Channel 4 switched on 24/7!