20 Jul 2011

letting my creative juices flow

I made this today (on the whim) due to boredom. I woke up feeling creative and didn't quite know what to do with the feeling - after all, it was raining so I couldn't go out for a walk and take a few photos, I was not in the mood to do some academic reading and all of my summer goals had been started and were progressing well.

Therefore, I decided to make a collage on Photoshop. I chose Clemence Poesy to be the subject of this collage because I absolutely love her style (I've made no bones about that before) and also, to coincide with the last Harry Potter movie! Now, I technically grew up with the Harry Potter movies. I'm around the same age as the Harry Potter lead actors (they are 21ish, I'm 21 in three months...eek!) and it feels like I've been part of the films! How cheesy does that sound?

Anyway, enough of my rambling. Here's the collage in question. Comments and cricticisms are welcome!

Picture credit: Clemence Poesy.net

Also, I have a planner surprise in store for you all... I recently purchased two potential planners for next year and I don't think I've seen anything like them on the blogosphere before so stay tuned!

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