11 Jan 2015

my week #143

This week, I was flat-sitting for my sister which meant I had a much nicer (and shorter) commute to university than usual. It is also my last week of proper university (lectures, group work, etc) before I head off for my General Practice placement although, I still have another university-based block before my surgery placement in the summer. This only means that exams are getting ever closer and I have started my preparation already (hello, practice questions) so hopefully, I will be ok... Only time will tell!

It's been a busier week than usual as flat-sitting meant that I had to plan my meals out more carefully than usual as any leftovers will just end up going to waste.

How has your week been?


  1. Hey
    I absolutely love these posts, it's great to see how fellow med students manage to get everything done! I feel like I've got a never ending to do list!
    I noticed you're doing Elsivier exam prep, is this the question subscription service? Would you recommend it? I'm in second year and really feel like I could do with some practise questions but my student loan only stretches so far and I don't want to waste my money on something that's a bit naff!
    Sarah :)

    1. Hi Sarah,

      Thank you for your lovely comment!

      I'm currently using a one month free trial of Exam Prep and I do like it a lot. I have no idea how much a subscription costs (as I won the free month from my fresher's fayre) but I do find it quite useful. Maybe see if you can try it for a month first before buying it? :)

      Hope this helps! x

  2. I found your blog today and had a look through and I must say: I am so in awe of your journal! It's so neat but also colourful and an absolute joy to look at!

  3. What a lovely post! May I ask what planner you are using?

    1. Hi Nellie, Thank you for your lovely comment. It's The Planner by Seeso I talked about it a bit here if that helps :) x

  4. I absolutely adore your blog! I found you while looking for ways to help me become better organized and its perfect!


  5. I love seeing how you decorate your planner and the pens you use.

  6. How do you write on washi tape? Gel pens never work for me, and sharpies are too thick.

    1. Hi, I use Staedtler Lumocolor pens or Shapries usually x
