3 May 2015

my week #159

This week, I've been a total hermit. As exams start on Wednesday (eek!), I need to make good use of my time and this means my planner is looking plainer than usual. Most of my revision to-dos are in a separate notebook again but a few have slipped through into this week. I've also put a motivational quote in the lower right corner too.

Anyway, back to revision I go - in just over nine days, exams will be over and I can get back to replying to emails, comments, questions, etc :)

How has your week been?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Chantelle! All over now thank goodness hehe :) x

  2. Wish you all the best hun.


  3. Good luck - exams will go fine! When they're over, could you tell me what planner this is? I love it! Thanks!

  4. Hi! I've been reading your blog for a few months (even occasionally leaving comments here and there), but I just wanted to let you know that I went to this incredible stationery store on the weekend (never mind the fact that they were having a 15% off sale and I bought wayyyy too many notebooks!), and the only reason I was able to intelligently discuss notebooks is that I've been a huge fan of yours!

    You've really inspired me to get better at note taking, organizing myself and taking pride in my notes! I'm not in school any more, but I do take notes at work meetings, and sometimes deciphering my own thoughts was getting ridiculous! Keep up the incredible work, and can't wait to see how your note taking evolves after you leave school :)


    1. Hi! Thank you for your lovely comment - I know that feeling of buying too many notebooks. Have done that too many times in the past and I really have to restrain myself now hehe x

  5. Firstly, good luck! You have worked systematically and methodically, so believe in the power of all that hard work.

    Secondly, BBC Good Food's banana cake recipe works just as well with gluten free flour. Just in case you need a little last minute recreational caking.

    1. Hi Bee, thank you for your lovely comment. Thanks for the tip about the Good Food banana cake recipe! :) I'm planning on doing some baking this weekend now that exams are over hehe x

  6. Good Luck on your exams!!!
