9 Nov 2014

my week #134

This week, I've been staying late on the wards everyday and I have to confess, I am exhausted this weekend! I'm learning a lot more than I ever did sat in lectures so staying late is definitely worth it.

In other news, my Macbook Pro is working again but it only works when connected to mains power. I think the battery is completely screwed as whenever I unplug the power cable, it switches itself off.

With only eight weeks to go until 2015, I am now starting to write a list of resolutions that I want to achieve - things like 'be more confident by talking to more patients', 'believe in myself more because I've put in the hard work, therefore I am adequately prepared to put everything into practice', etc. I'm not the most confident person but I know what I want at this moment in time (to do well at medical school and be a good doctor in the future) so all my little goals are about achieving these bigger goals.

How has your week been? :)


  1. Your planner pages are super inspiring. I actually started looking into planners after finding your blog. The filofax doesn't really do it for me (something about the format that I dislike), but, thanks to you, I discovered a whole new world :D so thanks.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment, Amelia :) Hope you find a format and planner that works for you :) x

  2. Oooh I might start writing out my New Years Resolutions too!

  3. My Macbook does the same thing, unfortunately! I like your resolutions -- I think I should make the same one about acting more confident, something I find hard as a naturally quiet person amongst my more extroverted colleagues. Also, I agree with Amelia -- it's always inspirational to see your lovely planner pages!

    1. I'm hoping to get a quote for a fix soon, fingers crossed it won't break the bank...! Thank you for your lovely comment - confidence is so hard to build up, hopefully we can both successfully work on it :-) x
