1 Jan 2015

happy new year & 2014 review & 2015 resolutions

H A P P Y   N E W   Y E A R !

I hope you are all having a lovely festive period so far where your days are filled with too much food and laughter! Here is my 2014 review :)

2014 Review

I started 2014 in Hong Kong and landed back on UK soil on the 1st of January. I had a truly amazing time - seeing family and friends was lovely and the weather wasn't half bad either (during the day at least; it was freezing during the night!).

In April, I saw McBusted at the O2 with my sister and all of my teenage dreams came true. Two of my favourite bands from my teenage years together on one stage?!

In July, I finished my first year of medical school which was actually two years crammed into one. Unbelievably (at least to me), I passed with flying colours and actually enjoyed every moment of it. At the same time, I also acquired a summer job where I met some awesome people too - waitressing is hard work but it isn't dissimilar to what I'll be doing in a few years' time as a junior doctor (fingers crossed all exams go well!) - being perpetually on my feet, juggling a few tasks at the same time and providing excellent customer service are definitely transferable skills.

During 2014, I made some amazing new friends through starting a new course at university. Although my old friends are still amazing, I think I've added to my list of 'friends who I just about count as family now'.

2015 Resolutions

1) Relax more and stop being such a workaholic.

I can see the contrast between myself now and myself back in my first degree: in my first degree, I avoided work at all costs and in this one, I can't stop working. This is definitely a sign that I'm doing the right thing by being on this course but also means that I need to be careful in order to maintain a good work-life balance.

2) Spend more time with friends and widen my friendship circle.

During my first placement this autumn, I didn't see many of my closer friends as they were at different hospitals or were on a general practice placement. This meant that I missed them a whole lot but it also meant I made a lot of new friends and as a result, have widened my friendship circle considerably.

These are my only two resolutions for 2015 because I feel that too many will detract my focus from working to achieve these goals. This year, I've really valued the things in my life that money can't buy (friendship, success and hard work) and I hope to carry those on into 2015.

Once again, happy new year and I wish you all good health, a prosperous year and an amazing 2015 where you make many, many happy memories.


  1. Happy New Year!
    Working hard is always a wonderful thing, but keeping it in certain hours is the struggle! Wishing you all the best for 2015!

  2. Happy New Year, Angela! May 2015 bring you much prosperity and success in life.

  3. Great job with school and work in 2014 and I support you in your 2015 goals, for work-life balance and friendship :) happy new year!

  4. Wishing you a very happy and prosperous New Year Angela!
