Initially, I loaded my Lamy Safari with it because I figured that if it were to clog up the feed, I can easily dismantle the nib and clean it. I'm glad I did this because it did clog up my feed after a page of use! I do like how it looks but in my opinion, it's not worth the frequent clogs. This has put me off shimmer inks for a while (even if the J. Herbin ones do look lovely) but maybe I just need to give it another chance in a pen with a thicker nib (something I don't have!).

Have you tried any of the Diamine Shimmer inks or any of the J. Herbin 1670 inks? If so, what do you think of them?
I use brandy dazzle in my TWSBI 540 1.1mm stub and it's perfect. No clogging or drying even when I leave it untouched for weeks (I know I'm terrible like that!)