22 Jun 2014

my week #114

This week was the last week of my first year. It is scary how quickly time flies - I remember my first day (back in September) just like yesterday and here I am, preparing to take my final set of exams which will determine if I make it to next year and the beginning of my clinical years.

The most painful thing about having exams next week and the next is that I can't see The Fault In Our Stars. It was released on Monday and my friends and I are planning to go and see it post-exams and that time can't come soon enough.

How has your week been?


  1. Good luck with your exams! Soon they'll be over and you'll be able to watch TFIOS :) It's been my last week on university too, and I'm moving out on Monday which is pretty sad!

  2. Good luck with your exams Angela. You go smash those exams girl. You can do it :)

  3. These are my favourite posts you make. Good luck with your exams! You'll do amazingly. x
