21 Feb 2017

a stockholm scrapbook (finally!)

Over the Christmas holidays, I finally got round to making my Stockholm scrapbook. Back in August, I had printed a load of photos and had a few paper souvenirs ready to stick into this scrapbook. However, final year took over and this project was sitting, waiting, ready for me to do over the holiday season.

The notebook I decided to use is a spiral bound one from (you guessed it) Muji. It is cheap, minimalistic and the paper takes fountain pen very well. At the front, I've used washi tape to write the destination and dates of my holiday. Unfortunately, using a spiral bound notebook means I can't make a Dymo label for the spine but the spirals mean that I can stick photos in without the threat of spine damage!

Wanting to keep things as simple as possible, I let the photos do most of the talking with the odd bit of text detailing a story of something I wanted to remember. Tickets for tours and other random things (such as the Skansen map below) were also included.

When I was in Stockholm, I kept brief notes on each day of my holiday in an A6 Moleskine notebook and most of these were transferred to this journal. This meant that, although it had taken me almost five months to make this journal, no important details of the holiday were omitted.

Eventually, I'll have to go back to it to add in some colour (possibly through the use of washi tape and stickers) but for now, this journal captures my Stockholm trip pretty well. And I'm quite happy with how it turned out :)