19 Jul 2012

the me binder: vintage rose Finchley

Due to the lovely pastel pink colour of my Vintage Rose Finchley, I opted to use it as a 'Me Binder' instead of as my daily Filofax. 

Anyway, here is how I organised it. It is still a work in progress so more things will be added in due course. These pictures were taken back in June, so they are a bit old but nothing has changed since.

Once you open it, there are some cards which I may use once in a while but not regularly enough to go into my daily binder or my purse. 

And on the right: the first tab, Personal. I've yet to change the sticky out bit of the tab to say that but I will soon.

And the first leaf: Addresses I have lived at. I thought it'd be fun to record all the addresses I've ever lived at. I'm hoping to add in a seventh once my parents move soon!

And then overleaf of that are basics such as height, Chinese name, Chinese zodiac and star sign. I will be adding sheets to this of other details such as passport number, expiry date, etc. once I stop being lazy!

Next, my 'Health' tab.

And the first page consists of Vaccinations I have had and their dates. I've lost the dates of my HepB jabs so I need to see a doctor to obtain the dates.

And overleaf, medical history such as reasons for hospitalisation (none so far, fingers crossed), medicines I'm currently on. On the right, I will be recording my weight every week just to make sure I don't gain too much (I've put on about 2kg since starting uni three years ago and I want to lose it!).

And then the next tab: Careers. Details for my CV go in here, along with research into some companies I have looked at too. 

And the fourth tab: Shopping. This will contain lists of things I can't live without in terms of life, beauty, etc. I'm hoping to add a wardrobe inventory list here too.

And on the first page: the Kindle. I'm interested in getting a Kindle but before I could purchase one, my mum bought one for me! She hasn't officially said so, but I'm thinking it's kinda like a graduation present.

The tab after that is Finances but I didn't need to change the title of the tab.

And last, but not least, my Passwords tab.

I have colour coded my passwords and have also made use of a set of A-Z tabs.

And here is how they look. I have opted to use old diary sheets for this and if I split each day into three, I have ample room for 12 passwords and logins on each page, as you can see.

To conclude, this is currently how my 'Me Binder' looks but it will, undoubtedly, change as I change as a person too and that is the beauty of using a Filofax: you can tailor it to suit your needs and chop and change it as you see fit, whenever and wherever.


  1. Awesome post! I love Finchleys :D (btw, get the Kindle Touch, it's GREAT!(

    1. Thank you! :) I got the basic Kindle K4 in the end as I don't really need the extra features :) x

  2. Omg.... you own so many filofaxes!! You are so organised. Maybe you should write a post on how to plan your filos LOL

    1. Only two are in use at the moment and posts have already been done on both :)

  3. oooohhhh it is gorgeous! Vintage Rose Finchley is a perfect "me" binder! SO beautiful!

    1. I know, right? So girly, yet tough. I love it hehe :) x

  4. I love what you have done here and the use of the washi tape is fantastic!

    1. Aww thank you! I'm forever trying to think up new ways of using washi tape (that I've not seen before online or anywhere else) and this was just one of them! x

  5. hi, could u let me when where you got this from? Really want one but seems they r unavailable everywhere!

    1. Hey, I bought this four years' ago so I don't think they sell them anymore. Maybe keep an eye out on eBay? :) x

  6. Hi there! I know this may be a long shot but would you by any chance be willing to sell this? It's my dream filofax and I've been searching for this for years!

    1. Hi, I no longer have this binder. I hope you can find one soon :) x
