There is a yearly planner that consists of blocks for each week of each month. I like how the alternate weeks are shaded but the design means that you can only use it to colour in the blocks rather than write in things. I'm not sure how I feel about this...

But then, you come onto some more pages for planning out the year. There's a little bit more room for writing things down with these pages but still not enough to make me feel comfortable with the layout.

The monthly planning pages are similar in design - each alternate week is shaded. There is even more room for writing things in here and with the aid of the square paper, plans can be kept neat (something that matters to me!).

Now, onto the bread and butter of the planner. Again, square paper is used for the weekly planner pages. There is plenty of room to write in plans for the week and also to-do lists - two of my basic necessities for a planner! Although you can use the double page spread for Monday to Friday, Saturday and Sunday have considerably less room in comparison. Considering a lot of my social life takes place at the weekend, I'm not particularly happy with this but I could just use the other side of the double page spread if I run out of room. So, problem solved on that one.

There is notepaper at the back but the lines within the margin are wonky - this is clearly part of the design but my perfectionist brain doesn't like it. However, I could get used to it... There is more notepaper at the back which consist of half blank/half squared paper.

There is also a world map at the back and it is printed on - you guessed it - squared paper. Instead of pinpointing the places in the world I've visited, I may use it to mark the places I would like to visit at some point in my life.

Finally, at the back, there is a page for my personal info. A lot of Far East Asian diaries like to have the personal info bit at the back and personally, I don't mind this.

Overall, I love the squared paper used in this planner and I like how much space you get for each day in the weekly layout. However, personally, I think the yearly and monthly planners let it down a bit but others may like how they are arranged.
What do you think of this planner?
I really like the simplicity of this journal! It looks a lot like the one I got for my 2015 planner. It's the invite.L "mon journal"!