4 Jan 2015

my week #142

So, this is my first week in my new bound planner. When I last used a bound planner, I never envisaged ever picking one up again but that was before I discovered that there were some cute, minimalistic Korean ones out there that might work better for me than my Moleskine did. That's not to say I won't ever try a Moleskine again - I might (never say never and all other similar clichés would come in handy right now) but I'm really loving this planner by Seeso.

The paper is amazing - thick enough so that there is no show through but also thin enough to stop the planner from being as heavy as a thousand tonnes! The extra space also means I can write in more rubbish than ever before and that's exactly what I've done...

How was your first week in January? Did you set any resolutions?


  1. Very nice planner. I am a huge planner junkie currently obsessed with kikki.K but I will look this one up. The first week of January was restful and I do not make resolutions. I set goals and tweak them as time goes by. :-)

  2. I just love the look of your writings in your planner. It always makes me wish that I could write things in the way you do but I know my writings would never look this nice.

  3. I love the layout of your planner. I have the same vertical weeks on my Midori Traveler's Notebook and I love it. Now I want the same for my food journal but with times so I can keep track of my eating bad habits LOL. Have fun with you planner, if works for you it's the best thing you can get. I have made the mistake of watching Filofax Setup Videos for 2015 and I want to use mine BUT my Midori setup works better than others, so I won't change it... for now... hahahaha
