I'm a little late with this post! I'd actually had this made back in March but forgot all about it until I started sorting through the files on my laptop.
It is a revision planning insert and is designed for personal sized pages (171mm tall by 95mm wide). I will show you how it looks first and then explain how it is designed to be used after it.
As you can see, there are four different sections to the insert. These sections are meant to aid with revision as well because they are designed to make revision a long-term and gradual process as opposed to a solid few days or weeks of cramming.
The first section has two lines for each day of the week. This part is for you to write in what you would like to revise on those days based on what you had learnt in lectures the week before/a few weeks' before or a few months' before. It all depends on how you decide to revise any new content. Personally, I would look over my notes a few days after making them, then again in a few weeks' time and once more in two months' time. So basically, say you learnt the structure of mitochondria on Monday three weeks' ago, you'd write in 'structure of mitochondria' for the coming week in the 'Monday' slot. Essentially, this first section is mainly for revision of content learnt in the not-so-distant past.
The second box is self-explanatory. Anything you found difficult or hard to get your head around would go here. Hopefully, this will mean that you will be doing more research on those topics or spending more time on them as you've singled out the topic(s). Obviously, this box might not get regular use - and that's a good thing as it means you understood everything so far :)
Textbook references go into the third box. Any textbook references you want to go back to later on in the week or a textbook you want to borrow from the library would go here.
Finally, at the end of the week, you would refer to the last box - flashcards. If flashcards work for you, this would be the time for you to make flashcards. Based on how successful revision has been for you in the past week, you can then deduce what flashcards you need to make as obviously, some concepts will undoubtedly stick more firmly in your mind than others.
Interested? Click here to download the insert.
Oh how I wish I had been this organised and creative while I was studying! :) this looks super useful to me. I always crammed & stayed up late writing essays right before their due date! X
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping these will come in useful in the new term! :) I know they are a bit late for students now so I will probably post a reminder that this insert is available, sometime in August :) x
DeleteLooks nice, Angela. I particularly like the implied checkbox in the top section, which visually references A4 file paper. That's how I used to use the margin, too!
ReplyDeleteThanks Ray! High praise from the custom files pioneer himself :) x
DeleteI really like these - might have to give them a go! Thanks for posting :)
Thank you for the lovely comment :) Hope they come in useful for you! x