Thanks Angela, for letting me be a part of the Stationery Addict Anonymous! Because I really need to admit that I’m a stationery addict. Always have been, always will be. My planner obsession is somewhat like Laurie’s, from Plannerisms!
Now, without further ado, my three biggest collections. I have to admit that my planner obsession will not be featured because it was too much of a mess to photograph!
1. My pen collection.
I don’t think you can be a stationery addict without having a pen collection. I keep them all on my desk and I use pretty much all of them.

And my favorite ones:

2. My post it collection.
I’m obsessed with post its. Not that I use them very often, but just looking at them is enough for me.

These are my favorites:

3. Washi/Masking tape
Most recently I found the wonderful washi/making tapes.

And that’s not good because I’m addicted. It’s this bad that recently I bought 30 rolls of it during a sale of one of my favorite Dutch Stationery shops.
I was going to sell some of it on Etsy, but I’m not sure yet.
Of course this is just a tiny bit of my stationery collection, which also includes notebooks, planners, folders and boxes, but that’s a whole different story ;-)
Hope you liked my collection and thanks again, Angela for featuring me!
Thank you, Femke, for agreeing to be featured this week :-) Do you have a stationery addiction? Would you like to be featured one week? If so, please email me at paperlovestory @ outlook.com :-)
You were right first time. Weeks' is the correct form of the plural possessive.
ReplyDeleteAh makes sense :) Will remember this for future reference, thank you :D x
DeleteIf the break is more than a week, then you need to use the plural "weeks" (essentially, the break belongs to more than one week) and so the apostrophe goes after the s! :)
ReplyDeleteConfusing, but I think I get it! :) Why is English such a confusing language sometimes! x
DeleteNice collection! Thanks so much for sharing it!
ReplyDeleteCan you ask where she got the terminal/airport post it notes?
ReplyDeleteI would love to add some of those to my collection!!
They are from a Dutch webshop called "What's in a bag". http://www.whatsinabag.nl/c-1853942/your-travels/ I'm sure she will work something out with you if you contact her! Tell her Femke send you :)