31 Mar 2013

my week #50

I've had a bit of a bad week, health-wise. I'm having one of those colds that fade in and out in intensity, and have just been feeling generally unwell. Hopefully, all of this will pass in time for tomorrow, when the new week starts.

I'm afraid this week is just as ugly and messy as last week's and I'm sorry about that!

Have a good Easter Sunday! :)


  1. Still looks cute to me :)

    Happy Easter hun!

    Lyndsay ♡
    Fizzy Peaches

    1. Aw thank you! Hope you had a good Easter with loads of chocolate hehe x

  2. Like your pages could ever be ugly & messy... you want to see ugly and messy, you should take a look at mine. Yours always looks so neat and organised. Hope your feeling much better soon x

    1. You're too kind! I never actually got to see your pages at the meet-up... next time! And thanks, wish the weather would get warmer as that would really help :( Hope the weather isn't too bad in your neck of the woods! x

  3. Oooh those hole reinforcers are lovely, I've been looking for some for ages, where did you get them from, if you don't mind me asking :) x

    1. P.s hope you feel better :) xx

    2. I genuinely can't remember! I had some stashed away somewhere from ages ago and then I think Imy sent me some too! I usually use them for my uni notes hehe. And thank you! :) x

    3. I was going to ask you the exact same question about the reinforcements! They are awesome. I've seen coloured ones before, but never colourful dotted ones like yours.

      (And I still love your pages as well. Even if they are a bit messier :)

    4. I've seen some pretty ones in random stores in Hong Kong before (not helpful I know lol!) x

  4. I love your pages! Especially the ones that isn’t so minimal! But if you look at mine you'll know I'm not minimal! :)

    1. Aw thank you! I love your handwriting in yours - it makes me want to stop printing everything I write hehe x
