To begin the end of the 'how my filofax is organised' series, I will start on the recipes tab. Here, I actually write down recipes by hand because this not only gives it a more personal feel, but it also makes me remember (for I have a photographic memory) what recipes I have written down and thus, make me more likely to use them.

The above is my record of courseworks and exams I have taken. The colour coding down the left represents the module each coursework or exam was for, the name of the coursework or exam comes next, then the percentage score and finally the grading (i.e. first, upper second, lower second, etc). For privacy reasons, I have blurred (or rather, smudged) it all on photoshop. I find having this in my Filofax can often make me more productive. I can see at a glance how I've done in certain courseworks and thus, I will want to improve on that score. After all, no one wants to go backwards, do they?

Next in my Filo is the 2011 vertical planner. Birthdays, rent due dates, bill due dates and other important things have already been written in. The vertical lines mean that only one, or maybe two if I wrote small, things can fit in a line which will have to make me think what is really important before writing things down willy-nilly.

Above is the 2011 diary week on two pages in cotton cream. Down the side I have made my own tabs for each month (up to August) but not necessarily in the right order. I have done this for ease of reference instead of flicking and then having to turn to the right page to get to the month desired.

Finally, the end is in sight! Welcome to the back of my filo. I have a transparent envelope here which on one side has my dad holding me when I was a baby and on the other, my mum holding me when I was a baby. When I was younger, my parents were not really that well off and we had to work hard to get to where we are now. I use this as inspiration for myself to remind me that nothing comes easy, but with hard work, we can get the fruits of our desire. The Oasis escape card just makes me want to go on holiday, so for the summer, I felt it was fitting so I slipped that in too.
Inside the zipped mesh compartment are any gift vouchers I have. I do survey sites so I accrue a fair number of high street vouchers so to keep them safe, where better to put them than in my Filofax!
Well, I hope you've enjoyed seeing how my Filo has been organised. It has been lengthy, yes, but I feel that in order for me to give a full view to the reader, I must fully dissect my beloved Finchley vintage rose! After all, I love it when other bloggers do that about their Filo as things that work well for others may also work well for me!
After reading all of your posts on how you organize your Finchley, all I can say is WOW! You have it stuffed with such great things and great sections. I'd like to make all of these pictures "favorites."
ReplyDeleteWOW! Love this (as well as parts 1, 2a & 2 by the way)! Can I just say not only is your Filofax beautiful, but your handwriting is gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteAnd "Whats in my bag". Yes, I skipped ahead.
Very cool : )
Thanks for both your comments :) Lol, my Filo is so stuffed, I don't think I can fit much more into it. However, I managed to tackle this problem and all will become clear in a future post ;)
ReplyDeleteWith regards to my handwriting, thank you for the kind comment :) It seems to change with mood though... the handwriting you see in this post is my 'serious' mood (as you can see I had to write when rent was due, etc) whereas in a previous post, it was more loopy and 'playful'. Wish I had a bit more consistency!