Hello! I'd like to introduce you to my lovely personal finchley in mustard, I love her so! She's lovely and chubby and I wouldn't have her any other way. ^_^ My first filofax was a mini identity, but I soon upgraded to a pocket finchley in teal, then a personal red metropol, and a few weeks ago I upgraded to this as I missed the soft leather of the finchley, and I'm in love :) I use my filofax to mainly keep track of college, my UCAS application, webdesign-work and personal commitments.

I use a week on two pages format, which I think works best for me as I can see everything throughout the week at a glance, without flicking through page after page. I use a border to outline the days I'm in college (I'm studying for a Foundation Diploma in Art & Design) and at the top of each week, naming which module I'll be doing that week in the same colour as the border. As an art student, I occasionally do brief sketches in my filofax of design ideas or sketchbook page layouts, incase I have trouble wording or remembering visual ideas which popped into my head (I think I did the sketches on Tuesday the 16th on the train home, just goes to show that inspiration can hit you anytime!) Another main thing which you may have noticed is that I use a lot of colour in my filo - I use this colour to help text stand out, it feels less like a 'wall of text' and makes it easier to find a select piece of info/task quickly.

When I have a lot of overdue tasks or a busy day ahead, I use either pocket-sized note paper or holepunched pieces of lined card to plan my day, writing times alongside a task which needs to be fulfilled. This week has been extremely busy (illness, boyfriend staying over this weekend, modules ending/starting) so I am slightly behind unfortunately! D:

Towards the end of the week I make a list of things I need to catch up on, going through my week and pinpointing out anything I need to re-do or complete in the next week or on Sunday. Being a creative person I like to make my text look pretty - anything which is important or exciting I put in big blocky text. On Saturday I wrote 'Ear Plugs' in this blocky text, as I need to look at ear stretchers/plugs because I am planning on expanding my ear lobe from 12mm wide to 18mm wide, as well as finding a flesh coloured tunnel for job and university interviews ;) body modifications ftw! On previous weeks I have stapled in things like bus tickets or train tickets (when I go to see my boyfriend for example, who lives a good train & two bus journeys away from me D:) to both fill space and add some cute little memories to my filofax. :)
I think thats about it from me, I hope you enjoyed reading how I use my filofax :)!
Thanks, Annabelle, for sending in your week :) I personally LOVE the 'blocky' text she used, and all the colour! Love, love, LOVE!
How has your week been? Would you like to be featured? Email me at paperlovestoryblog @ gmail.com if so :)
Yay :) Thanks for featuring me ^_^ <3
ReplyDeleteNo problem! Thank you for sending it in :) It's a lovely week :) x
DeleteHi! I have a question and I'm sorry but it doesn't really have anything to do with your feature (although I did enjoy it).... Does Filofax have sheet protectors? And if so, who sells them? I couldn't find anything on the Filofax website.
Do you mean the transparent flyleaf? I think they do sell that separately: http://www.cityorganiser.co.uk/acatalog/Transparent-Flyleaf-With-Tab.html if that is what you mean? x
DeleteIt would be like a plastic "envelope" type thing that you can put a page inside to protect it (i.e. if it's something you reference a lot, etc)... I hope that makes sense.
DeleteThe only thing I can think of is this: A top opening envelope but the insert you put in has to be smaller than a typical personal sized insert (if that makes sense?). I usually store coupons in mine x
DeleteThanks! That's kind of what I'm looking for, but not quite :-) Haha! Thanks for your help!
Oooh, I love it! It really makes me want to try harder in mine - it's just not that pretty on my weeks xD
ReplyDeleteThanks :D and I work best with colour - it makes everything easier to read imo. :) x