10 Oct 2012

filofax issues...again

I have had my Teal and Soft Jade Finchleys in storage (in their boxes, at the top of wardrobe, within another box) and took them out and found these flaws in the leather quality.

The Teal:

A weird stain in the leather? Considering I don't use black pen, I have never had anything of this colour in a liquid form near it, this is definitely suspect. 

The Soft Jade:

The leather has rubbed off here...

And some more leather has rubbed off here too.

Considering I have only had these for just over two years and have barely used them for that long (you can pretty much calculate how long I have used these two binders for, just by reading this blog) and this is not the wear and tear I'd expect from a binder after two years. For the price we pay for Filofax organisers, we expect them to last way more than two years! So I contacted Filofax France (where I originally bought them from) and they sent me a replacement binder. I was offered a Soft Jade Finchley to replace my Soft Jade but having experienced these leather defects with the Finchley model, I was reluctant to accept this offer. As a result, some bartering was done and this was the result...

I have no idea why I am a 'Mrs' here - I haven't got married without you all knowing in the
past few days!

Can you guess what it is yet?

Looks familiar, right?

Another Osterley?! Seriously?

Ahhh, a Compact Osterley, in plum. It goes so well with my personal Osterley!

Now, the only dilemma is what to use it for. As you all probably know, I acquired a Slimline Deco recently and that has been working very well for me. But weighing them both up, they appear to be of the same or a similar weight when empty and I do like the clasp of the compact. However, once both are filled, the Compact feels like it is considerably heavier than the Slimline (for obvious reasons) so I think I will be sticking with the Slimline as my portable binder for the foreseeable future?

So many (first world) problems in this post, so many Filofax options. I'm still planning to sell all but one or two of my binders but somehow, I can't see myself letting go of the two Osterleys I now possess, nor my Slimline Deco. I've fallen out of love with the Finchley model (why does the leather on it wear so easily?!) and judging by the design, the Osterley and Deco will be a lot more sturdy.

Have any of you had issues with leather or rings recently? It seems that Filofax are disappointing a lot of people lately (myself included) but I don't really know what other binder systems there are, out there, that offer me these small rings and flexibility with regards to what I carry around on a daily basis.


  1. Wow that's the first problem I've seen with Finchley leather. The Finsbury leather is notorious for color wearing off the strap and edges after only a few months of use.

    Enjoy your new Osterley!!

    1. I think it is because the Finchley's leather is so soft and supple that it becomes a problem. I wonder if the Astons will have this problem too in the future.

      And thank you! I don't know what I'll use it for yet though x

  2. That was a good deal!!!! Did you have to return both Filofaxes??

    I love the new design of your blog :) x

    1. Yup, had to return both. Quite gutted really as I liked having at least one green Filofax... but none in the current range do it for me so the Osterley will do for now (and the leather is quite good on the Osterley so hopefully, it will not have any problems).

      And thank you! :) I'm not 100% keen on it so will probably change it in late November/early December when I have time :) x

  3. Oh no, poor poor Finchleys. I have a Finchley in A5 Chocolate - hoping the leather is not going to be damaged.

    I had a few ring issues. And I always send these Filofax back. Most of the times I get a new one.

    Greets from germany

    1. Hope your Finchley stays fine :) I have had a few ring issues too earlier this year; it just seems that the Filofax brand's quality is decreasing somewhat. A shame, really but nothing we can control :( x

  4. This has me worried about my Finchleys. Need to check them out to see if they have the same problem. (:

    1. I hope yours are ok! I was quite surprised that after just over two years, that I find these :( I've not even used the Teal and Jade for months too, and the Rose had just been sat in my drawer as my 'me binder' :( x

  5. Angela, hello.. Did you sell your Finchley's? (I can't ogle after them now :( Aha)

    1. Hi. I no longer have these organisers x

    2. Aha, I see. What made you want to not use them anymore?

      I was thinking (a very far off thought lol) of getting the Bijou Blue Smythson binder but it is $500+ for USA...
